Via Buniva 9/ter/f - Turin, Italy
4 - 25 November 2017

Link to Artists
Laura Bello
Nick Hazzard

Written by Roberto Borra
The modern and contemporary art gallery Artgallery37 hosts for the very first time in Turin 15 artists of The Artists’ Pool, London. The artistic group from London and the cultural association Collettivo37 of Turin, similar for several artistic affinities and a common philosophy, have recently started a relationship of artistic and project exchange, sanctioned by this important exhibition of contemporary art. The project of The Artists’ Pool is inspired by the will of the artists to create a connection with the universal public, taking nourishment for the creation of their works from the vital energy of interpersonal relationships, the depth of the subconscious and Nature.The choice of the artists from London to exhibit in this gallery in Turin and, for the majority of them, to be present at the opening, is a significant signal of the importance of Art as a “joining element”, capable of reestablishing as pivotal the open human debate and the social and cultural communication, beyond the simple virtual approach.Elements of visual stimulation and innovative research are present in different artistic ways in a collective exhibition where painting, sculpture, photography and printmaking interweave like different emotional elements belonging to an unique physical entity. Therefore the purpose is to “evoke”, rather than simply “telling”. Apart from the common approach of the artists in creating their artworks, the spectator’s view has a huge role on the success of this project. Taking one’s time to observe and empathise with the gestural flows and the perceptive stimulations induced by the artworks is an essential exercise to fully enjoy the beauty of Art, and in the meantime to gift us with deserved emotions.Regardless of the technique, the work of Art is pure matter of the subconscious and/or of the thought, and the stimulating versatility in which it shows itself in “Evocativo”, offers a tangible occasion to the public to confront with a universe of puzzling, “restored” evocations.Artworks that can touch lightly or dwell in our interior spaces.“Art does not reproduce the visible, rather it makes visible the invisible that settles in the Being”. The words of Paul Klee vibrate in the pulsating heart of “Evocativo”, they question us on the value of our identity and the relationships that the identity has with the subconscious’ invisibility, whose secrets and fleeting aspects sometimes only Art is capable of unveiling…